All Shenandoah University faculty, staff, and full-time contractors are required to purchase and display a parking permit. Parking permits are purchased annually. The deadline to purchase your annual permit is October 1. Parking permits are valid October 1 through September 30. Newly hired faculty, staff, Aramark employees and Follett employees are required to purchase a permit upon being hired and to purchase subsequent annual permits.
Please review the Parking & Driving Policies, Registration & Appeals information found on the Department of Campus Safety website.
You must register any and all vehicles you will park at any of Shenandoah University’s campus locations. You will need to have your vehicle DMV registration(s) when you register your vehicle(s). You are responsible for purchasing a permit for each vehicle that you register. All sales are final, no refunds will be issued for purchased permits.
Parking permits will be available for purchase in September. An email will be sent to faculty and staff in September with instructions on how to register your vehicle(s) and purchase your permit(s).
If you have questions or need assistance, please call 540-665-4514 or email
Name, Address, and Social Security Number changes/updates are managed by the Human Resources Department.
To add or change your address, phone number, and/or email address, log into Hornet Hub.
Please select User Options from the menu on the side of the page and then select User Profile. You can then add an address, phone number or email address by selecting the appropriate link to add information.
To change your name or Social Security number, please contact Human Resources at 540-665-1296.
To request to have your SU Username changed please complete the IC Account Rename Form. You will need your username and password to log into Etrieve to complete this online form. The IC Account Rename form can not be processed unless you have completed the name change process with Human Resources.
Hornet Dollars are available for purchase to all SU employees. Hornet Dollars will be loaded onto your SU identification card. You may use your Hornet Dollars for food and non-alcoholic beverages in select locations both on and off campus and in the Shenandoah University Bookstore.
The first time you purchase Hornet Dollars, you must submit the Hornet Dollars form to Hornet Central. This form will be submitted to Auxiliary Services to add the funds to your card. Employees paying by cash or check must submit form to Hornet Central. All future credit /debit card transactions can be processed by registering or logging into SU Hornet Dollars Transact. All payments made on Transact are immediate so there is no wait time to use funds. Questions about Transact contact Auxiliary Services at
Find more information and details of where you may use Hornet Dollars.
Full-time Faculty and Staff who have worked for the University for a minimum of 12 months may apply for the faculty/staff grant and enroll in up to 6 credit hours per term. They may also apply for their spouse/domestic partner, who may take up to 6 credit hours per term, and/or their dependent children under the age of 24 who may enroll as full-time. Dependent children are only eligible to enroll in an undergraduate program. Employees, employee’s spouse/domestic partner, and employee’s dependents must apply to be accepted into a degree program through the Office of Admissions. The faculty/staff grant does not apply to advance tuition deposits, room lottery deposits, mandatory/curriculum fees, nor housing. Faculty/Staff Grant forms must be completed and submitted for each term the employee, spouse/domestic partner, and/or dependent plans to enroll. Faculty/Staff are responsible for paying the applicable deposits, mandatory/curriculum fees, and/or housing charges by the published due dates. The faculty/staff grant form must be approved by your supervisor and the Human Resources Department. Once the grant is approved it will be applied to the employee’s, employee’s spouse/domestic partner, or employee’s dependent student account by the Office of Financial Aid. You are only eligible for the grant if you, your spouse/domestic partner, and/or dependent enroll in courses.
Please click here to go to the SU Departmental Forms page in Canvas. Select the link for the faculty staff grant form. This form is an electronic form and requires your username and password to log in and complete the form.
Completing the faculty/staff grant form does not register you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent for classes. Those accepted in a degree program may register via Hornet Hub. All others must submit a paper registration form to Hornet Central.
For detailed information about the Faculty/Staff grant policy and the courses that will be covered by this grant, please refer to the Faculty/Staff handbook.
To submit an invoice is a process used to bill a Third Party/Individual/Vendor for goods and services rendered.
In order to submit an invoice to a Third Party/Individual/Vendor, ALL requests must be submitted to Accounts Receivable by completing the Etrieve Invoice Request Form.
Submit Invoice Request Form
Find more information and details on completing the invoice process located under the Policies and Procedures section Misc. Invoice Request eForm Guidelines.